Come, settle down with a cup of coffee or tea if you prefer...

Come, settle down with a cup of coffee or tea if you prefer and don't forget to leave back a little love...

February 23, 2012

My red carpet looks

Hey people,

How have you been? Great? Just fine? or fatabulous? I have been pretty good. But  do you know what really cheered me up today? This. The rikrak studio had a great and fun challenge, to come up with looks for the red carpet with handmade items, consisiting of only two items. And I submitted about three to four looks,don't remeber now. But here they are on the blog, shining along with some other lovely ladies :) The lovely people at Rikrak chose, not one but three of my looks to showcase. Here are those

Which one do you like best? Isn't this a really fun activity, picking out party dresses and accessories. For me, it's like the best way I could spend my time.
So.... I went ahead and had some fun time. Here are a few more looks with handmade items.

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Don't you think like they are made for each other? I just really love the whole virtual shopping thing.
I have something similar really fun planned, we'll see how it pans out. Till then, why don't you go to etsy, pick out some fun things and have a good time creating your own red carpet looks ?


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