Come, settle down with a cup of coffee or tea if you prefer...

Come, settle down with a cup of coffee or tea if you prefer and don't forget to leave back a little love...

April 3, 2012

Three things I am loving

Good Afternoon dear friend,

I have been gawking with wide eyes at a few ideas today (found via Craftgawker). Thought you would like a look

 Find 14 other DIY ideas, similar to this scarf bag, to do with scarves at this page. I am so trying this.

I am looking for a really easy way to do curls, without any heat, hair sprays or product. This one looks promising:

 Keep watching this space for the tutorial.


This other way looks good too.

How cute is this needlepoint purse. I want to make one, learn a new skill, add to the bucket list? Maybe someone could just make me one, coz I lack the skills.Check out the how to here.


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