Come, settle down with a cup of coffee or tea if you prefer...

Come, settle down with a cup of coffee or tea if you prefer and don't forget to leave back a little love...

March 17, 2013

Letter to The Mojo

Hey friends,

What does it mean to write a good post? What does it mean to you? I have found myself with a dip in my mojo for a long time now. This post is forced, in an attempt to bring back the beloved mojo. A small letter for it to see that I love it more than anything else, but yes, you are not the only one mojo, I am self made and I can surely do without you, I have my determination with me. But I miss you, come back dear Mojo, I need you, for me to move on. I need you to show me the way further.

For you readers, I will be back with a post that makes more sense.

Ciao till then.



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